Glasgow Police Boxes

   Corner of Buchanan Street & Gordon Street
 See also other pictures here and here.
 Junction of Great Western Road & Byres Road

This box has just been repainted and opened as a coffee kiosk named 'Coppuchino'.

A photo of the box prior to this is available here.

 Inside Glasgow Museum of Transport

 Currently undergoing restoration; see also here.

 Junction of Wilson Street and Glassford Street  
 Near junction of Cathedral Street and High Street - see also here.

Until a couple of years ago this box was still painted red, and the red paint is still noticeable where the blue has started to peel off....

Planning permission has just been granted to reuse this box as a coffee kiosk as well...

and also one from Edinburgh, for comparison:

All photographs (c) 2004 Gordon Barr, all rights reserved.