Dr Nadal is part of the team selected by the National Institutes of Health(NIH) NCATS Aspire Challenge winners to find an Integrated Solution for Translational Innovation in Pain, Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose
Category Archives: News
New group member
A warm welcome to Daniel Malcolm who will is the 1st LVN group member and will be doing his BSc project. His research will be related to isomerism in metal oxide culsters.
Talk in FMOCS VI
Dr Vilà-Nadal will present a contributed talk in the sixth biennial meeting of the international forum “Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science” .
This FMOCS conference will be held in Corvallis, Oregon, on the West Coast of the United States, from August 19th to August 22nd.
Looking forward to meet the polyoxometalate community and discuss the recent advances.
EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core-2019
Kick-off meeting International Network on Polyoxometalate Science for Advanced Energy Materials, Hiroshima, Japan, July 16th-18th
Dr Vilà-Nadal presented her work in the kick-off meeting for the EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core. This was a great opportunity to meet with old friends and interact with new researchers in the area and establish new interactions.
Here also with Dr Cameron and Dr
Zhang former members of the Cronin Group!Laia with Dr Lang and Dr Yan we all learned the tricks of the DFT trade with POMs in Poblet’s group in Tarragona!
The 10th and 11th of July Dr Vilà-Nadal represented the Glasgow Polyoxometalate umbrella at CNRS POM-IRN (International Research Network) at CNRS Ile-de-France Gif-sur-Yvette. That was a 2 day meeting to enhance the European network of polyoxometalates, organize future conferences, student exchange, and setting the agenda for the next initiatives.
ScotCHEM’s new research leaders
The 17th June 2019 at the shiny new V&A museum in Dundee Dr Vilà-Nadal took part in a workshop bringing together industrialists, artists and ScotCHEM’s new research leaders. That was an enlightening experience organized by Scotchchem, the meeting was focussed on innovation, early career researchers (ECR) networking and engagement with industrial contacts. Laia had the chance to meet with a broad range of fellow ECRs from across Scotland. The workshop gave some insight into how to successfully develop industrial collaborations, and talks by some companies on the how/what/why of their interactions with academics.
Off to Madrid
Dr. Vilà-Nadal is off to Madrid at her first scientific duty as an independent academic. She has been appointed panel member for grants by Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI (link) the Spanish higher education funding body.
Hello world!
Welcome to Glasgow Chemistry Sites. Creating a research website and trying to follow this good examples!