
EDUCATION in Universitat Rovira i Virgili (link), Tarragona, Spain

  • 2011 PhD
  • 2008 MSc in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • 2007 BSc in Biochemistry
  • 2006 BSc in Chemistry

Laia Vilà-Nadal was born in Valls, Alt Camp (Spain). She has received BSc degrees in both Chemistry, (2006), and Biochemistry, (2007) and a Master’s degree in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry with an outstanding award in 2008 from the Rovira i Virgili University (link), Tarragona. In 2007 she joined the Quantum Chemistry Group (link) at the same university, where she obtained her PhD degree in 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Josep Maria Poblet and Dr Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea. Later that year she joined the Cronin Group (link) as a Post-Doctoral Researcher. Since 2015 she has worked as Senior researcher and research Group Co-ordinator in the Cronin Group.

In June 2019 Dr Vilà-Nadal (Dr Nadal) started her independent academic career as a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow (link). She is an expert in theoretical chemistry and computational modeling of metal oxide clusters, with over 10 years of scientific research experience and a well-established track record in the area. This is illustrated by more than 30 publications including 24 research articles, 10 of which as a first author, were published in widely read journals in science including Nature and Nat. Commun., and the subject area such as Angewandte Chemie and J. Am. Chem. Soc.