Volkov, A.; Macchi, P.; Farrugia, L. J.; Gatti, C.; Mallinson, P.;
Richter, T.; Koritsanszky, T. (2024)
The most important change in XD2024 concerns the initialisation program
XDINI. This now automatically recognises and handles the site symmetry restrictions for
atoms in special positions. It also provides a more useful local coordinate system and local pseudo-symmetry for
atoms in general positions. See the XDINI section in the XD manual for a full list of the
modifications. The WinXD GUI has some minor modifications, but the remaining XD modules are
essentially identical to those in XD2016.
The features of XD2016 include:
- Calulation of new properties in XDPROP, including reduced density
gradient (NCI), Density Overlap Regions Indicator (DORI) and Single Exponential
Decay Detector (SEDD).
- Calculation of intermolecular interactions. Electrostatic
interactions are calculated from the experimental multipole
moments using the highly accurate EPMM method which eliminates
the serious approximations of the non-overlapping charge density
inherent in the Buckingham expression. Non-electrostatic interactions
are evaluated through atom-atom potential curves which can be
custom-selected. Lattice energy is also computed based on direct
space summation. These features represent an updated and corrected
version of XDINTER.
- New routines to compute the molecular electrostatic potential,
field and field gradients, based on the separated integration of
Slater-type density functions (to be published). All the integrated
properties available for rho(r) are available for the electrostatic
potential as well.
- Scattering factors and wave functions for
atoms up to Z = 109
(including relativistic effects) are now available in the databank.
- Direct interface to existing graphic programs (such as MOLEKEL,
MOLDEN and GaussView03) and crystallographic programs (such as
PLATON and ORTEP). Visualisation of
atomic graphs and interatomic surfaces using WinXD GUI
- The thermal probability density function can be visualized,
including anharmonic components as represented in the Gram-Charlier
- Integration of atomic basins available for both the molecule
in the crystal and the molecule extracted from the crystal.
- Local and basin-integrated Source Function at any point in space.
- Dynamic memory allocation in XDPROP, TOPXD, XDFOUR. Future versions will
have full dynamic allocation in all programs, with no arbitary limitations.
The cost of the XD2024 for new users is:
Academic users |
Site license for academic institutions |
New commercial users |
US$ 6000 |
- Current XD users can upgrade to XD2024 at the price of US$ 0 !
- Users who subscribed after the release of XD version 4.9
(in May 2003) can upgrade at the reduced price of US$ 0 !
- Any corrections to the XD2024 release will be made available free of charge.