The Cronin Group

Research in the Cronin Group is motivated by the fascination for complex chemical systems, and the desire to construct complex functional molecular architectures that are not based on biologically derived building blocks.

Cronin Group Work on Inorganic Chemical Cells Published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition

The paper entitled ‘Modular Redox Active Inorganic Chemical Cells: iCHELLs’ by Geoffrey J. T. Cooper, Philip J. Kitson, Ross Winter, Michele Zagnoni, De-Liang Long & Leroy Cronin will appear in the online issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition today and will also be featured on the back cover of the printed issue. Interfacial membrane formation by cation exchange of polyoxometalates produces modular inorganic chemical cells with tunable morphology, properties, and composition. These inorganic chemical cells or iCHELLs, which show redox activity, chirality, as well as selective permeability towards small molecules, can be nested within one another potentially allowing stepwise reactions to occur in sequence within the cell. These are the first demonstration of modular fictionalization and application of Traube-like inorganic precipitation membranes since their discovery in 1867.

Prof. Leroy (Lee) Cronin

Prof Leroy (Lee) Cronin
Regius Chair of Chemistry
Advanced Research Centre (ARC)
Level 5, Digital Chemistry
University of Glasgow
11 Chapel Lane
Glasgow G11 6EW
Tel: +44 141 330 6650

Latest Publications


502. Delocalized, asynchronous, closed-loop discovery of organic laser emitters


501. Investigating and Quantifying Molecular Complexity Using Assembly Theory and Spectroscopy


500. Electron density-based GPT for optimization and suggestion of host–guest binders


499. Evidence of Selection in Mineral Mediated Polymerization Reactions Executed in a Robotic Chemputer System


498. A programmable hybrid digital chemical information processor based on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction


497. An integrated self-optimizing programmable chemical synthesis and reaction engine


496. Autonomous execution of highly reactive chemical transformations in the Schlenkputer


495. Universal chemical programming language for robotic synthesis repeatability


494. Bringing digital synthesis to Mars


493. An Autonomous Electrochemical Discovery Robot that Utilises Probabilistic Algorithms: Probing the Redox Behaviour of Inorganic Materials

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Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK