The Cronin Group have a prolific publishing history across many high impact journals. There are currently 502 publications associated with the Cronin Group / Prof Cronin across 131 journals / books.

Cronin Group Publications


479. Delocalized, asynchronous, closed-loop discovery of organic laser emitters, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, H. Hao, V. Rathore, J. Derasp, T. Gaudin, N. H. Angello, M. Seifrid, E. Trushina, M. Guy, J. Liu, X. Tang, M. Mamada, W. Wang, T. Tsagaantsooj, C. Lavigne, R. Pollice, T. C. Wu, K. Hotta, L. Bodo, S. Li, M. Haddadnia, A. Wolos, R. Roszak, C. T. Ser, C. Bozal-Ginesta, R. J. Hickman, J. Vestfrid, A. Aguilar-Granda, E. L. Klimareva, R. C. Sigerson, W. Hou, D. Gahler, S. Lach, A. Warzbok, O. Borodin, S. Rohrbach, B. Sanches-Lengeling, C. Adachi, B. A. Grzybowski, L. Cronin, J. E. Hein, M. D. Burke, A. AspuruGuzik, Science, 2024, 384, 10.1126/science.adk9227.

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Open Access

478. Investigating and Quantifying Molecular Complexity Using Assembly Theory and Spectroscopy, M. Jirasek, A. Sharma, J. R. Bame, S. H. Mehr, N. Bell, S. M. Marshall, C. Mathis, A. MacLeod, G. J. T. Cooper, M. Swart, R. Mollfulleda, L. Cronin, ACS Cent. Sci., 2024, 10, 1054-1064,

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Open Access

477. Electron density-based GPT for optimization and suggestion of host–guest binders, J. M. Parrilla-Gutierrez, J. M. Granda, J. -F. Ayme, M. D. Bajczyk, L. Wilbraham, L. Cronin, Nat Comput Sci, 2024,

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Open Access

476. Evidence of Selection in Mineral Mediated Polymerization Reactions Executed in a Robotic Chemputer System, S. Asche, R. W. Pow, H. M Mehr, G. J. T. Cooper, A. Sharma, L. Cronin, ChemSystesmsChem, 2024, 6,

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Open Access

475. A programmable hybrid digital chemical information processor based on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, A. Sharma, M. T. -K. Ng, J. M. Parrilla Gutierrez, Y. Jiang, L. Cronin, Nat. Commun., 2024, 15,

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Open Access

474. An integrated self-optimizing programmable chemical synthesis and reaction engine, A. I. Leonov, A. J. S. Hammer, S. Lach, S. H. M. Mehr, D. Caramelli, D. Angelone, A. Khan, S. O'Sullivan, M. Craven, L. Wilbraham, L. Cronin, Nat. Commun., 2024, 15,

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Open Access

473. Autonomous execution of highly reactive chemical transformations in the Schlenkputer, N. L. Bell, F. Boser, A. Bubliauskas, D. R. Willcox, V. Sandoval-Luna, L. Cronin, Nat. Chem. Eng., 2024, 1, 180-189,

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472. Universal chemical programming language for robotic synthesis repeatability, R. Rauschen, M. Guy, J. E. Hein, L. Cronin, Nat. Synth., 2024,

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471. Bringing digital synthesis to Mars, M. D. Symes, L. Cronin, Nat. Synth, 2024,

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Open Access

470. An Autonomous Electrochemical Discovery Robot that Utilises Probabilistic Algorithms: Probing the Redox Behaviour of Inorganic Materials, K. Laws, M. T. -Z. Ng, A. Sharma, Y. Jiang, A. J. S. Hammer, L. Cronin, Chem. Electro. Chem., 2024, 11, e202300532,

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Open Access

469. Reaction Kinetics using a Chemputable Framework for Data Collection and Analysis, B. M. Matysiak, D. Thomas, L. Cronin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, e202315207,

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Open Access

468. Assembly theory explains and quantifies selection and evolution, A. Sharma, D. Czegel, M. Lachmann, C. P. Kempes, S. I. Walker, L. Cronin, Nature, 2023,

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Open Access

467. Digital design and 3D printing of reactionware for on demand synthesis of high value probes, P. Frei, P. J. Kitson, A. X. Jones, L. Cronin, Digital Discovery, 2023, 2, 1326-1333,

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Open Access

466. Robotic Modules for the Programmable Chemputation of Molecules and Materials, D. Salley, J. S. Manzano, P. J. Kitson, L. Cronin, ACS Cent. Sci., 2023, 9, 1525-1537,

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465. Science opportunities with solar sailing smallsats, S. G. Turyshev, D. Garber, L. D. Friedman. A. M. Hein, N. Barnes, K. Batygin, M. E. Brown, L. Cronin, A. R. Davoyan, A. Dubill, T. M. Eubanks, S. Gibson, D. M. Hassler, N. R. Izenberg, P. Kervella, P. D. Mauskopf, N. Murphy, A. Nutter, C. Porco, D. Riccobono, J. Schalkwyk, K. B. Stevenson, M. V. Sykes, M. Sultana, V. T. Toth, M. Velli, S. P. Worden, Planetary and Space Science, 2023, 235, 105744,

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Open Access

464. The Role of Experimental Noise in a Hybrid Classical-Molecular Computer to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems, V. K. Krasecki, A Sharma, A. C. Cavell, C. Forman, S. Y. Guo, E. T. Jensen, M. A. Smith, R. Czerwinski, P. Friederich, R. J. Hickman, N. Gianneschi, A. Aspuru-Guzik, L. Cronin, R. H. Goldsmith, ACS Cent. Sci., 2023, 9, 1453-1465,

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Open Access

463. Digitizing protocols into single reactors for the one-pot synthesis of nanomaterials, H. Wang, J. S. Manzano, P. J. Kitson, M. Mullin, C. -G. Lin, I. I. Slowing, L. Cronin, Matter, 2023, 6, 2383-2394,

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Open Access

Preprint 23. Autonomous Execution of Highly Reactive Chemical Transformations in the Schlenkputer, N. L. Bell, F. Boser, A. Bubliauskas, D. R. Willcox, V. Sandoval Luna, L. Cronin, ChemRxiv, 2023,

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Open Access

462. Aqueous solutions of super reduced polyoxotengstates as electron storage systems, T. Zhao, N. L. Bell, G. Chisholm, B. Kandasamy, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 2603-2610,

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461. An Accelerated method for Investigating Spectral Properties of Dynamically Evolving Nanostructures, Y. Jiang, A. Sharma, L. Cronin, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2022, 16, 3929-3938,

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Open Access

460. Digitizing chemical discovery with a Bayesian explorer for interpreting reactivity data, S. H. M. Mehr, D. Caramelli, L. Cronin, PNAS, 2023, 17, e2220045120,

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Open Access

Preprint 22. Multimodal Techniques for Detecting Alien Life using Assembly Theory and Spectroscopy, M. Jirasek, A. Sharma, J. R. Bame, N. Bell, S. M. Marshall, C. Mathis, A. Macleod, G. J. T. Cooper, M. Swart, R. Mollfulleda, L Cronin, Arxiv, 2023,

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459. Automated Library Generation and Serendipity Quantification Enables Diverse Discovery in Coordination Chemistry, D. J. Kowalski, C. M. MacGregor, D. -L. Long, N. L. Bell, L. Cronin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023,

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Open Access

458. Water-soluble Self-assembled {Pd84}Ac Polyoxopalladate Nano-wheel as a Supramolecular Host, Z. L. Sinclair, N. L. Bell, J. R. Bame, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202214203,

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457. A synergistic {Cu2-W12O40} catalyst with high conversion for homo-coupling of terminal alkynes, Z. -G. Jiang, H. -M. Zeng, X. Zhang, Y. Tan, Y. -Z. Lan, Y. Wang, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, C. -H. Zhan, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023,

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Open Access

456. Measuring optical activity with unpolarized light: Ghost polarimetry, S. Restuccia, G. M. Gibson, L. Cronin, M. J. Padgett, Phys. Rev. A., 2022, 106,

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Open Access

455. An artificial intelligence enabled chemical synthesis robot for exploration and optimization of nanomaterials, Y. Jiang, D. Salley, A. Sharma, G. Keenan, M. Mullin, L. Cronin, Sci. Adv., 2022, 8, eabo2626, 10.1126/sciadv.abo2626.

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454. An autonomous portable platform for universal chemical synthesis, J. Sebastian Manzano, W. Hou, S. S. Zalesskiy, P. Frei, H Wang, P. J. Kitson, L. Cronin, Nat. Chem., 2022,

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Open Access

453. Robotic synthesis of peptides containing metal-oxide-based amino acids, S. She, N. L. Bell, D. Zheng, J. S. Mathieson, M. D. Castro, D. -L. Long, J. Koehnke, L. Cronin, Chem, 2022,

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452. Selection of assembly complexity in a space of tetrapeptides, P. J. Kitson, L. Cronin, Chem, 2022, 8, 1791-1793,

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451. Digitization and validation of a chemical synthesis literature database in the ChemPU, S. Rohrbach, M. Siauciulis, G. Chisholm, P. -A. Privin, M. Saleeb, S. H. M. Mehr, E. Trushina, A. I. Leonov, G. Keenan, A. Khan, A. Hammer, L. Cronin, Science, 2022, 377, 172-180, DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0058.

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Open Access

450. Formalising the pathways of life to using assembly spaces, S. M. Marshall, D. G. Moore, A. R. G. Murray, S. I. Walker, L. Cronin, Entropy, 2022, 24, 884,

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Open Access

449. Engineering Highly Reduced Molybdenum Polyoxometalates via the Incorporation of d and f Block Metal Ions, E. Garrido-Ribo, N. L. Bell, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202201672,

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Open Access

448. Effective Storage of Electrons in Water by the Formation of Highly Reduced Polyoxometalate Clusters, J. - J. Chen, L. Vila-Nadal, A. Sole-Daura, G. Chisholm, T. Minato, C. Busche, T. Zhao, B. Kandasamy, A. Y. Ganin, R. M. Smith, I. Colliard, J. J. Carbo, J. M. Poblet, M. Nyman, L. Cronin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 8951-8960,

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Open Access

Preprint 21. A Probabilistic Chemical Programmable Computer, A. Sharma, M. T. -K. Ng, J. M. Parrilla Gutierrez, Y. Jiang, L. Cronin, Arxiv, 2020,

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Open Access

447. Digitizing Chemical Synthesis in 3D Printed Reactionware, A. Bubliauskas, D. J. Blair, H. Powell-Davies, P. J. Kitson, M. D. Murke, L. Cronin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022,

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446. Hydrogen from water electrolysis, G. Chisholm, T. Zhao, L. Cronin, Science Direct, 2022, 559-591,

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445. Investigating the autocatalytically driven formation of Keggin-based polyoxometalate clusters, D. Lockey, C. Mathis, H. N. Miras, L. Cronin, Matter, 2022, 5, 302-313,

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Open Access

444. Exploring the sequence space of unknown oligomers and polymers, D. Doran, E. Clarke, G. Keenan, E. Carrick, C. Mathis, L. Cronin, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2021, 2, 100685,

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Open Access

443. Exploring the Hidden Constraints that Control the Self-Assembly of Nanomolecular Inorganic Clusters, L. Cronin, Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry, 2021, 78, 11-17,

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442. Facile and Reproducible Electrochemical Synthesis of the Giant Polyoxomolybdates, M. T. -K. Ng, N. L. Bell, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 20059-20063,

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Open Access

441. An [Fe III 30] molecular metal oxide, A. E. Dearle, D. J. Cutler, M. Coletta, E. Lee, S. Dey, S. Sanz, H. W. L. Fraser, G. S. Nichol, G. Rajaraman, J. Schnack, L. Cronin, E. K. Brechin, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 52-55,

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Open Access

440. Discovering New Chemistry with an Autonomous Robotic Platform Driven by a Reactivity-Seeking Neural Network, D. Caramelli, J. M. Granda, S. H. M. Mehr, D. Cambie, A. B. Henson, L. Cronin, ACS Cent. Sci., 2021, 7, 1821-1830,

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439. Chapter Seven - Advances in gigantic polyoxomolybdate chemistry, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, Adv Inorg Chem, 2021, 78, 227-267,

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Open Access

438. Bell inequality in chiral liquids, S. Restuccia, G. M. Gibson, L. Cronin, M. J. Padgett, Proc. SPEI 11881, 2021, 1188112,

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Open Access

437. Exploring and mapping chemical space with molecular assembly trees, Y. Liu, C. Mathis, M. D. Bajczyk, S. M. Marshall, L. Wilbraham, L. Cronin, Sci. Adv., 2021, 7, 10.1126/sciadv.abj2465.

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Open Access

436. Exploring the Geometric Space of Metal−Organic Polyhedrons (MOPs) of Metal-Oxo Clusters, B. Kandasamy, E. Lee, D. -L. Long, N. L. Bell, L. Cronin, Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 14772-14778,

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435. Design of Experiments for Optimization of Polyoxometalate Syntheses, N. L. Bell, M. Kupper, L. Cronin, Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 7263-7271,

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Open Access

434. Chemputation and the Standardization of Chemical Informatics, A. J. S. Hammer, A. I. Leonov, N. L. Bell, L. Cronin, JACS Au, 2021, 1, 1572-1587,

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Open Access

433. Enantioselective Recognition of Racemic Amino Alcohols in Aqueous Solution by Chiral Metal-Oxide Keplerate {Mo 132 } Cluster Capsules, R. W. Pow, Z. L. Sinclair, N. L. Bell, N. Watfa, Y. M. Abul-Haija, D. -L. Long, L. Cronin, Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 12327-12334,

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Prof. Leroy (Lee) Cronin

Prof Leroy (Lee) Cronin
Regius Chair of Chemistry
Advanced Research Centre (ARC)
Level 5, Digital Chemistry
University of Glasgow
11 Chapel Lane
Glasgow G11 6EW
Tel: +44 141 330 6650

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Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK