Forgan Group Picture Gallery

Prof Forgan is inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh by its President, Sir John Ball.

June 2024

Group Christmas lunch, December 2023: (clockwise from front left) Wes, Yuping, Matt, Ruairidh, Joe, Peter, Matt, Ross, Arvin.

December 2023

Group photo at the start of the 2023-24 academic year: (L-R) Rachel, Joe, Yuping, Jake, Ying, Ross, Yang, Peter, Wes, Matt; Arvin and Ruairidh not pictured.

October 2023

Past and present members celebrating Cat and Ignas passing their vivas: (L-R) Wes, Sophia, Joe, Catherine, Ignas, Ross, Matt, Peter, Ali, Yang, Rachel.

December 2022

Group photo at the start of the 2022-23 academic year: (L-R) Cameron, Matt, Wes, Joe, Arnav, Rachel, Yang, Ignas, Peter, Catherine, Ross; Arvin, Yuping, and Ying not pictured.

October 2022

Group photo at Ali's leaving lunch: (clockwise from front left) Chhay, Fatma, Rachel, Dom, Ali, Sophia, Ross, Arvin; Catherine and Ignas not pictured.

July 2021

Group photo for the 2019-20 academic year: (L-R) Sophia, Ali, Wes, Ross, Dom, Nikos, Ignas, Rachel, Fatma, Catherine, Penny; Harry not pictured.

December 2019

Group photo for the 2018-19 academic year: (L-R) Emily, Catherine, Ignas, Megan, Penny, Dom, Sophia, Sarah, Lauren, Ali, Ross F, Fatma, Pantelis, Tommy.

November 2018

Group outing at Escape Room, Glasgow: (L-R) Ali, Dom, Isabel, Pantelis, Penny, Ross F, Sophia, Sarah.

May 2018

Group photo for the 2017-18 academic year: (L-R) Connor, Penny, Ali, Sarah, Isabel, Dom, Ross F, Pantelis, Sophia, Chris, Josin.

December 2017

Group photo for the 2016-17 academic year: (L-R) Ali, Sarah, Isabel, Francois, Ross F, Pantelis, Penny, Ross M, Dominic, Ciaran.

October 2016

(L-R) Francois, Ross M, Ross F, Sarah and Isabel attend the conference banquet for the 5th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds, aboard the Queen Mary Cruise Ship in Long Beach, CA.

14th September 2016

Group photo for the 2014-15 academic year: (L-R) Josh, Isabel, Francois, Ross F, Sarah and Ross M.

October 2014

Group photo for the 2013-14 academic year: (L-R) Ross M, Christina, Ross F, Francois and Colin.

March 2014

Ross Marshall receives multiple prizes for academic achievement from University of Glasgow Principal Anton Muscatelli.

25th June 2013

Dr Forgan discusses science and education with HRH Prince Andrew at a Royal Society event in St James Palace, London.

21st February 2013

Dr Forgan is inducted as one of the founding members of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland by Sir John Arbuthnott, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

29th November 2012

Home.  Contact: Prof Ross Forgan, B3-38, Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ, 01413305166,

Updated 12th June 2024.