Publications - 2010


19. “The Dynamic Chemistry of Molecular Borromean Rings and Solomon Knots”

C. D. Meyer, R. S. Forgan, K. S. Chichak, A. J. Peters, N. Tangchaivang, G. W. V. Cave, S. I. Khan, S. J. Cantrill, and J. F. Stoddart

Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 12570–12581


Cited over 75 times.

18. “Metal-Organic Frameworks from Edible Natural Products”

R. A. Smaldone, R. S. Forgan, H. Furukawa, J. J. Gassensmith, A. M. Z. Slawin, O. M. Yaghi and J. F. Stoddart

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 8630–8634.


Featured on the front cover of Issue 46, 2010 .

Highlighted in Nature Chemistry and Angewandte Chemie.

Featured in The New York Times, The New Scientist and RSC Chemistry World.

Cited over 600 times.

17. “Highly Stable TTF Radical Dimers in [3]Catenanes”

J. M. Spruell, A. Coskun, D. C. Friedman, R. S. Forgan, A. A. Sarjeant, A. Trabolsi, A. C. Fahrenbach, G. Barin, W. F. Paxton, S. K. Dey, M. A. Olson, D. Benítez, E. Tkatchouk, M. T. Colvin, R. Carmielli, S. T. Caldwell, G. M. Rosair, S. G. Hewage, F. Duclairoir, J. L. Seymour, A. M. Z. Slawin, W. A. Goddard III, M. R. Wasielewski, G. Cooke and J. F. Stoddart

Nature Chem. 2010, 2, 870–879.


Cited over 150 times.

16. “Directed Self-Assembly of a Ring-in-Ring Complex”

R. S. Forgan, D. C. Friedman, C. L. Stern, C. J. Bruns, J. F. Stoddart

Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 5861–5863.


Featured on the front cover of Issue 32, August 2010.

15. “Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) to Probe the Outer Sphere Coordination Chemistry of bis-Salicylaldoximate Complexes”

B. D. Roach, R. S. Forgan, P. A. Tasker, R. M. Swart, J. Campbell, F. E. McAllister, A. P. Stopford and B. J. Duncombe

Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 5614–5616.


14. “Cation and Anion Selectivity of Zwitterionic Salicylaldoxime Metal Salt Extractants”

R. S. Forgan, J. E. Davidson, F. P. A. Fabbiani, S. G. Galbraith, D. K. Henderson, S. A. Moggach, S. Parsons, P. A. Tasker and F. J. White

Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 1763–1770.


Featured as an RSC Highlight in Chemical Technology, 18 January 2010.

Home.  Contact: Prof Ross Forgan, B3-38, Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ, 01413305166,

Updated 12th June 2024.